The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


Best Practice

AboutBest Practice

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice
1. Website
2. Name of journal
3. Peer review process
4. Ownership and management
5. Governing body
6. Editorial team/contact information
7. Copyright and Licensing
8. Author fees
9. Process for the identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
10. Publication Ethics
11. Publishing schedule
12. Access
13. Archiving
14. Revenue sources
15. Advertising
16. Direct marketing
1. Website
1) The URL address of the journal's official website is
2) Aims & Scope statement
ADJ aims to promote Asian dance studies through interdisciplinary perspectives on dance. It provides a platform for international dance researchers to exchange their perspectives, methodologies, theories, and concerns, and to contribute to the diversity and creativity of Asian dance studies.
The journal can be of great value to academic experts, researchers, and students as well as to those specialized in international and domestic dance/performing arts industries.
3) The scope of the journal covers the following areas:
- Dance documentation and history
- Dance with interdisciplinary studies
- Dance anthropology
- Performing arts studies
- Critical dance studies
- Diasporic studies
- Race and Gender studies
- Performance studies
- Digital and media dance
4) Print ISSN 2383-5214 / Online ISSN 2733-4279
2. Name of journal
The official title of the journal is Asian Dance Journal, and its acronym is ADJ.
3. Peer review process
ADJ has an online submission and peer review system at A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. All manuscripts, including those invited by the editor, are subject to peer review. The review process is as follows:

1) Editorial board meeting and assessment: The editorial board first screens the submission to assess whether the manuscript fits the aims and scope of ADJ. Within two weeks after the submission deadline, the editor-in-chief convenes the first editorial board meeting for review, which assigns three reviewers for each submission. The board will not appoint reviewers who have a personal or professional relationship with the author(s) (for example, mentoring relationships). The board also assesses book reviews, historical data, and research trend reports for inclusion in the relevant issue.

2) Anonymity of reviewers: ADJ operates a double-blind peer review process in which the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other's names or affiliations.. The corresponding authors will receive an anonymous review report.

3) Rights of the reviewers and the editorial board: The reviewers may request the author to modify, supplement, or revise the manuscript in response to the review comments. The editorial staff may revise the manuscript for greater clarity, conciseness, and conformity to the style of ADJ.

4) Responsibilities of the reviewers: The reviewers are required to judge whether a submission is suitable for the journal, based on transparency, fairness, and sincerity. They should write review comments maintaining respect for the personality and independence of the author as a fellow researcher. The editor-in-chief shall convene the editorial committee when a review is not substantive enough or the evaluation is not appropriate.

5) Final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication: The editor-in-chief convenes the second editorial board meeting for review within two weeks after the completion of the review, where the board makes the final decision based on the combination of the reviews.

i. If the manuscript revised and resubmitted after initial “revision and resubmission” decision receives a “revision and resubmission” in the second round of review, it is regarded as being rejected.

ii. Authors submitting a revised manuscript following receipt of an “accepted after revision” or “revision and resubmission” decision should submit a Once revisions have been made, authors should write a ‘response to reviewers’ letter to accompany their resubmission. along with the resubmission to demonstrate how the manuscript has been revised in response to the reviewers' comments.

If the author has any objection or appeal to the review result, he or she can submit an appeal letter to the editorial board, which includes details of his or her objections and the reasons for his or her appeal.
4. Ownership and management
This journal is owned by the publisher, the Society for Dance Documentation and History (
5. Governing body
The governing body is the journal's editorial board
6. Editorial team/contact information
The full names and affiliations of the journal’s editors are displayed on the About ( of the journal homepage.

The contact information of the editorial office is as follows:
• Website:
• Editor: Seo Hyunjae 
• Tel: 82-2-336-0818
• Fax: 82-2-326-0818
• Email:
• Address: (04023) 101, 31-15, World Cup-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
7. Copyright and Licensing
All articles published in ADJ become the permanent property of the Society for Dance Documentation and History. Authors (including co-authors) should submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement when they submit their manuscript through the online review system.

If the author (including co-authors) uses part of the article in another publication, the author should give its citation in a note or references of the publication. The author (including co-authors) may entrust the representative authority for the transfer of copyright to the corresponding author, who shall confirm the transfer of copyright on behalf of the author(s).

If authors are allowed to publish under a Creative Commons license, then any specific license requirements shall be noted.
8. Author fees
1) Basic Fee: The publication fee is determined according to the number of pages in the final printed version of the journal. An author whose paper is published on the Journal needs to wire 250,000 KRW to the account numbers designated by ADJ.
2) Additional Fee: If a paper is longer than 25 pages (in the final printed version), the author needs to pay 20,000 KRW per an additional page.
3) If a publication fee is not paid, manuscripts shall be rejected for publication.
4) English abstract review fee: If a paper in Korean language is published, an English abstract proofreading fee of 50,000 KRW shall be paid separately.

+ Papers in English are free of submission fee, publication fee, and abstract review fee.
9. Process for the identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
When the journal faces cases suspected of research and publication misconduct, such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, inappropriate authorship assignment, undisclosed conflicts of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer’s appropriation of an author’s idea or data, and complaints against editors, the resolution process will follow the Chapter 5 of Research Ethics Regulations of ADJ.
10. Publication Ethics
ADJ follows the Research Ethics Regulation of SDDH (
11. Publishing schedule
ADJ is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December (on the last day of the month).
12. Access
ADJ articles can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from the journal website
ADJ currently employs Extensible Marrkup Language (XML) that helps readers all over the words to secure accessibility and enlarge the range of convenience.
13. Archiving
ADJ provides the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published by archiving in National Library of Korea. It is accessible without barrier from Korea Citation Index ( or National Library of Korea ( in the event a journal is no longer published. Deposition in the National Library of Korea and digital archiving is also in progress.
14. Revenue sources
The operation of the journal is financed by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea, the publication fees received from authors, and the sale of printed copies. This journal has been supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Education) since 2020).
15. Advertising
ADJ does not accept any commercial advertisements until policy changes otherwise
16. Direct marketing
Journal propagation has been conducted through the journal’s website and social media channels. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually directed towards presenters at conferences, symposiums, or workshops if the topic is related to the journal's aims and scope.