Research and Publication Ethics For AuthorsResearch and Publication Ethics Table of Contents 1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research Misconduct2. Research Ethics for Authors3. Ethics of the Editorial Board4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research Ethics 5. Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics Regulations6. Publication Policy Chapter 1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research Misconduct Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this code is to establish research ethics related to studies for the publication of ADJ, prevent research misconduct, and stipulate the general ethical guidelines for the fair and systematic verification in the event of research misconduct. They apply to contributors submitting manuscripts to the ADJ as well as editors and reviewers of the journal. Article 2 (Scope of Research Misconduct) 1. Research misconducts include unethical practices such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, inappropriate authorship assignment, duplicate publication, double submission, and defamation in relation to research.1) “Fabrication” refers to the act of making up data or results that are not based on actual research..2) “Falsification” refers to the act of distorting research data or results by arbitrarily manipulating, modifying, or deleting research data or research process.3) “Plagiarism” refers to the act of appropriating another person's ideas, words, research contents, and works without proper attribution or citation.4) “Inappropriate authorship assignment” refers to the act of not assigning authorship of research output to a person as an author who has made academic contributions to the research data or results without justifiable reasons, or inappropriately assigning authorship of a research output to a person who has not made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution to the research output.5) “Duplicate publication” refers to the act of republishing the author’s previously published data or research results without proper approval or citation.6) “Double submission” refers to the act of submitting the same manuscript to different journals and receiving review concurrently. This is not applicable if the manuscript is submitted to a different journal after receiving ‘accept' or 'revision and resubmission' notification from the previously submitted journal.7) “Defamation” refers to the act of making an unjustified statement about a person or organization that is considered to harm their reputation without justifiable reasons. Chapter 2. Research Ethics for Authors Article 3 (Compliance with Research Ethics) [Revised 12/12/2019] Only the authors who have consented to the Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics on the online article submission system may submit manuscripts. Article 4 (Authorship) [Revised 12/12/2019] 1. “Author” means a person who satisfies all of the following: ① Has made significant contributions to research ideas, design, data collection, analysis, and writing② Has drafted or critically revised important academic content③ Has made the final approval of the edited version④ Has agreed to accept responsibility for issues related to accuracy and integrity of the research 2. The order of co-authorship must be accurately indicated irrespective of socioeconomic status. Those who have directly participated in the study shall be listed in the order of their contributions, like the lead author, corresponding author, co-author, etc. The order and indication of co-authorship shall have prior consent from all authors participating in the study. 3. Only those who directly conducted the research or made substantial contributions and agreed to take full or partial responsibility for the contents or results of the research shall be designated as authors. A person who simply participated in receiving research grants, data collection, and/or research management shall not be listed as an author. 4. The corresponding author shall be responsible for the entire process of publishing the manuscript, and shall be in charge of revision after the manuscript review. He or she shall also be responsible for the primary communication with the editorial board, and shall cooperate with the editorial board when additional data or content is requested. It is recommended that the advisor of the manuscript be listed as the corresponding author.5. All authors shall state their affiliation and title. If the author is a student belonging to an elementary or secondary school, his or her status as a 'student' with the name of the affiliated school must be clearly stated. In the case of minors without affiliation, the most recent affiliation, position, and school years completed must be specified. 6. Persons with low contribution to research or publication shall be listed as “contributors” or recognized under “Acknowledgments,” and the persons must be made aware. Article 5 (Prohibition of Duplicate Publication and Double Submission) 1. Researchers shall submit original, unpublished manuscript(s), and shall not submit them to other journals or books until the final decision of acceptance is made by the editorial board.2. If the submitted manuscript is an abbreviated version or part of a dissertation, or a revised version of an earlier presentation, this should be specified at the beginning of the manuscript. Article 6 (Prohibition of Plagiarism) 1. Authors submitting a manuscript to the ADJ shall only present results obtained from actual research.2. When using results from prior research, the sources must be cited in the manuscript Article 7 (Citation and Reference) 1. When citing previously published studies, citations must be clearly identified. 2. When either directly or indirectly citing any source, references should be listed alphabetically and citations must be made in the body of the text (in-text citations) according to the author-date system. Article 8 (Article Revision and Supplementation) [Revised 12/12/2019] 1. The author shall revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’ and the editor's comments. 2. When the author disagrees with the reviewers’ comments, the author may send a written response to the editor, stating its reason in detail. Article 9 (Notification of Errors) If the author detects significant errors or inaccuracies after a publication decision has been taken on the submission, the author must request revision of the manuscript. If the author finds any significant errors in their work after publication, the author must immediately notify it to the editorial board. Article 10 (Institutional Review Board, IRB Approval) [Revised 12/12/2019] If a submitted manuscript utilizes research on human subject(s), it is recommended that an approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) be obtained and the approval number for the research be submitted to the editorial board. Research on human subjects is defined as follows: first, research conducted through physical intervention with humans; second, research conducted through interactions such as communication and interpersonal contact with humans; and third, research using private intervention. Research involving human subjects must provide all the subjects appropriate informed consent, and details on how this was obtained should be detailed in the manuscript. Chapter 3. Ethics of the Editorial Board Article 11 (Request for Manuscript Review and Management) [Revised 6/10/2017] 1. The editorial board shall select three reviewers who have expertise in relevant field and do not have any conflict of interest with the authors for reviewing process., and request them a fair review.2. The editor-in-chief shall convene an editorial board meeting and make necessary adjustments if he/she determines the reviewer comments to be insufficient or inappropriate. Article 12 (Confidentiality of Author and Manuscript Content) 1. In relation to the publication of the submitted manuscript, the editorial board shall not disclose the author's personal information and the contents of the manuscript.2. The review process shall be confidential, and identities of reviewers and the authors shall be concealed from each other. Chapter 4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research Ethics Article 18 (Organization and Obligations) 1. The Research Ethics Committee shall be organized to deliberate and make decisions on research ethics misconduct.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall be composed of eight members, including the Chairperson.3. The president of the Society for Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, SDDH) shall concurrently serve as the chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee and its members shall keep acquired information confidential while performing their duties as Research Ethics Committee members.5. The Research Ethics Committee shall continuously implement education and publicity programs to raise awareness of research ethics for SDDH members and contributors to the ADJ. Article 19 (Deliberation and Resolution) 1. The Research Ethics Chairperson shall convene the Research Ethics Committee when it receives a request for an assessment of research ethics misconduct on a manuscript submitted to or published in the ADJ.2. Majority vote of the registered Research Ethics Committee members shall resolve the Committee’s agenda. 3. If a Research Ethics Committee member is an author of a manuscript under a research ethics misconduct deliberation, he or she cannot participate in the deliberation of the committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee shall, prior to making a decision, provide an opportunity for the author to justify his or her actions. Article 20 (Protection of Human Rights) 1. To the best of its ability, the Research Ethics Committee shall protect the human rights of the deliberation subject (hereinafter referred to as the subject).2. The committee shall take caution not to damage the reputation or infringe on the rights of the subject until the deliberation process is completed. Article 21 (Raising of Objection and Provision of Justification) 1. The subject shall maintain his or her membership status until a decision is made by the Research Ethics Committee.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall ensure the opportunity for the subject to present opinions, raise objections, and provide justification.3. In case the subject does not accept the decision, they are entitled to raise an objection within 10 days from the date of notification. The Research Ethics Committee shall start a reinvestigation if the committee decides that the objection is reasonable. Article 22 (Preparation and Notification of Decision Report) 1. The Research Ethics Committee, after investigation and deliberation, shall prepare a decision report with consideration of objection(s) and/or pleading(s). The report shall include the following:1) Filing information2) Allegations of research misconduct and related research project misconduct3) Review process and veracity of the allegation4) Decision made based on evidence and witnesses statement(s)5) Objection(s) by the complainant and subject, their justification following the committee decision, and the management of the result thereafter. Article 23 (Measures on Research Ethics Violations) [Revised 12/12/2019] 1. If the Research Ethics Committee determines that misconduct has occurred, as stated in Article 2, the following actions shall be taken for the manuscript and the author.1) If the submitted manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “rejection.”2) If a published manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “decision to void the publication,” and an announcement shall be made on the ADJ and the SDDH websites.3) Said manuscript shall be removed from the ADJ and the SDDH websites and other digital resources.4) The National Research Foundation of Korea shall be notified of the misconduct in detail.5) The violator of the research ethics shall be prohibited from submitting manuscript(s) to the ADJ for 5 years from the date of the decision. 6) The membership of the violator of research ethics shall be forfeited. Article 24 (Administration and Record Keeping) [Revised 12/12/2019] 1. Proceedings not specified in the regulations shall be implemented according to the Research Ethics Committee’s decisions.2. Records of investigation and deliberation shall be kept for 5 years. Chapter 5 Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics Regulations Article 25 (Enforcement) 1. These regulations are in effect as of January 1, 2009.2. All prior regulations (prior to January 1, 2009) on research ethics shall be implemented in accordance with current regulation.3. Proceedings not specified in the current regulation shall be implemented by the Research Ethics Committee. Article 26 (Revision) 1. Research ethics regulations may be amended through the resolution of the Board of Directors of the SDDH Addendum Article 1 (Enforcement Date, Re-enforcement) This regulation replaces the Manuscript Submission Regulation that took effect on October 1, 2001 when the Korea Society for Dance Documentation and the Society for the History of Korean Dance were integrated. It will take effect on May 1, 2014, with the establishment of the SDDH. Article 2 (Amendment) [Revised 6/10/2017] Article 10 of this regulation was amended through the resolution and approval of the executive board on June 10, 2017, and are in effect as of June 10, 2017. Article 3 (Revision of Regulations) [Revised 12/12/2019] This regulation was entirely revised through the resolution and approval of the editorial board on December 12, 2019, and are in effect as of January 1, 2020. Chapter 6 Publication Policy Article 1 (Purpose) This policy sets forth rules and regulations for the publication of Asian Dance Journal (hereinafter, “ADJ”) published by the Society of Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, “the Society”). Article 2 (Annual Number of Issues and Publication Dates) ADJ is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December (on the last day of the month). The submission deadlines are January 31st for the March publication, April 30th for the June publication, July 31st for the September publication, and October 31st for the December publication. Article 3 (Content and Type of Submission) 1. Content: A submitted manuscript should be an original and unpublished work that pertains to the field of dance studies or related fields. It should not be submitted or published elsewhere until a decision is made on its acceptability for publication.2. Type: The Society publishes manuscripts that provide meaningful insights into and in-depth analysis of theoretical and practical research in the field and the literature of dance documentation and history. Article 4 (Eligibility) Only the Society members are eligible in principle to publish their work in ADJ (with the exception of invited contributors). Persons with a bachelor’s degree or higher or a person in the field of dance studies or related fields can be regular members of the Society. In the case of multiple submissions by the same single author, their publication in the same issue would not be permitted. However, if the author submits more than one coauthored manuscripts, a maximum of up to two manuscripts, including one single authored manuscript, can be published in the same issue. Article 5 (Submission Procedure) 1. Submission Method: All submissions should be made via our online submission system ( It can be submitted at any time of the year, and the date of receipt of approval from the editorial office is the date of receipt. If you do not receive a reply within one week of submission, please contact the editorial staff via email at Manuscript Submission: You should follow the submission guidelines( If your submission does not comply with the guidelines, it may not be considered for peer review. Before submitting a manuscript to ADJ, you should carefully check it for grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, style, reference citations, and so on.3. Process: Once submitted, manuscripts will not be returned.4. Listing of Author Contributions: If the manuscript is written by more than one author, their names and affiliations should be listed in the order of first author, corresponding author (if other than the first author), and co-authors according to the level of contribution of each author to the manuscript. The corresponding author should be responsible for the supervision of the work, approval of all contents and the submission of the manuscript, appropriate authorship designation of all authors, and cooperation with the journal throughout the submission, review, revision, and publication processes. Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research for and the writing of the manuscript and agreed to take responsibility and be accountable for the content of the manuscript can be listed as authors while those who have only participated in obtaining funding for the study or in data collection or general supervision of the research team cannot be listed as authors.5. Reporting of the Relation to Prior Work: If the submitted manuscript is a part of a thesis, a dissertation, or a paper published as a part of conference proceedings, it should be acknowledged on the title page.6. Submission Fee: The submission fee of 90,000 KRW should be deposited to the account designated by the society upon submission. If the manuscript is returned for revision and resubmission after peer review, an additional fee of 30,000 KRW needs to be paid for resubmission. When the applicant does not wish to revise and resubmit the paper, the paper will no longer be considered for publication.7. Compliance with Research Ethics: The author(s) submitting a manuscript to the journal should consent to comply with the Society’s Research and Publication Ethics. The author(s) should sign and submit the form “Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics” to the editorial team.8. Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement Form: When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) should agree with the form “Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement.9. Manuscript originality checks: ADJ uses the CrossRef software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material. By submitting your manuscript to ADJ, you agree to any necessary originality checks during the peer review and production processes. If the manuscript is in Korean, please use the originality checks software given by Korean Journal of Citation Index (KCI) and submit the result to ADJ. Peer review process ADJ has an online submission and peer review system at A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. All manuscripts, including those invited by the editor, are subject to peer review. The review process is as follows:1) Editorial board meeting and assessment: The editorial board first screens the submission to assess whether the manuscript fits the aims and scope of ADJ. Within two weeks after the submission deadline, the editor-in-chief convenes the first editorial board meeting for review, which assigns three reviewers for each submission. The board will not appoint reviewers who have a personal or professional relationship with the author(s) (for example, mentoring relationships). The board also assesses book reviews, historical data, and research trend reports for inclusion in the relevant issue.2) Anonymity of reviewers: ADJ operates a double-blind peer review process in which the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other's names or affiliations.. The corresponding authors will receive an anonymous review report.3) Rights of the reviewers and the editorial board: The reviewers may request the author to modify, supplement, or revise the manuscript in response to the review comments. The editorial staff may revise the manuscript for greater clarity, conciseness, and conformity to the style of ADJ.4) Responsibilities of the reviewers: The reviewers are required to judge whether a submission is suitable for the journal, based on transparency, fairness, and sincerity. They should write review comments maintaining respect for the personality and independence of the author as a fellow researcher. The editor-in-chief shall convene the editorial committee when a review is not substantive enough or the evaluation is not appropriate.5) Final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication: The editor-in-chief convenes the second editorial board meeting for review within two weeks after the completion of the review, where the board makes the final decision based on the combination of the reviews. i. The review of a manuscript is carried out up to the second round.ii. Authors submitting a revised manuscript following receipt of an “accepted after revision” or “revision and resubmission” decision should submit a “response to the reviewers’ comments” along with the resubmission to demonstrate how the manuscript has been altered item by item. If the author has any objection or appeal to the review result, he or she can submit an appeal letter to the editorial board, which includes details of his or her objections and the reasons for his or her appeal. 메뉴타이틀: Table of Contents1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research Misconduct2. Research Ethics for Authors3. Ethics of the Editorial Board4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research Ethics 5. Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics Regulations6. Publication PolicyChapter 1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research MisconductArticle 1 (Purpose)The purpose of this code is to establish research ethics related to studies for the publication of ADJ, prevent research misconduct, and stipulate the general ethical guidelines for the fair and systematic verification in the event of research misconduct. They apply to contributors submitting manuscripts to the ADJ as well as editors and reviewers of the journal.Article 2 (Scope of Research Misconduct)1. Research misconducts include unethical practices such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, inappropriate authorship assignment, duplicate publication, double submission, and defamation in relation to research.1) “Fabrication” refers to the act of making up data or results that are not based on actual research..2) “Falsification” refers to the act of distorting research data or results by arbitrarily manipulating, modifying, or deleting research data or research process.3) “Plagiarism” refers to the act of appropriating another person's ideas, words, research contents, and works without proper attribution or citation.4) “Inappropriate authorship assignment” refers to the act of not assigning authorship of research output to a person as an author who has made academic contributions to the research data or results without justifiable reasons, or inappropriately assigning authorship of a research output to a person who has not made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution to the research output.5) “Duplicate publication” refers to the act of republishing the author’s previously published data or research results without proper approval or citation.6) “Double submission” refers to the act of submitting the same manuscript to different journals and receiving review concurrently. This is not applicable if the manuscript is submitted to a different journal after receiving ‘accept' or 'revision and resubmission' notification from the previously submitted journal.7) “Defamation” refers to the act of making an unjustified statement about a person or organization that is considered to harm their reputation without justifiable reasons.Chapter 2. Research Ethics for AuthorsArticle 3 (Compliance with Research Ethics) [Revised 12/12/2019]Only the authors who have consented to the Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics on the online article submission system may submit manuscripts.Article 4 (Authorship) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. “Author” means a person who satisfies all of the following: ① Has made significant contributions to research ideas, design, data collection, analysis, and writing② Has drafted or critically revised important academic content③ Has made the final approval of the edited version④ Has agreed to accept responsibility for issues related to accuracy and integrity of the research2. The order of co-authorship must be accurately indicated irrespective of socioeconomic status. Those who have directly participated in the study shall be listed in the order of their contributions, like the lead author, corresponding author, co-author, etc. The order and indication of co-authorship shall have prior consent from all authors participating in the study. 3. Only those who directly conducted the research or made substantial contributions and agreed to take full or partial responsibility for the contents or results of the research shall be designated as authors. A person who simply participated in receiving research grants, data collection, and/or research management shall not be listed as an author. 4. The corresponding author shall be responsible for the entire process of publishing the manuscript, and shall be in charge of revision after the manuscript review. He or she shall also be responsible for the primary communication with the editorial board, and shall cooperate with the editorial board when additional data or content is requested. It is recommended that the advisor of the manuscript be listed as the corresponding author.5. All authors shall state their affiliation and title. If the author is a student belonging to an elementary or secondary school, his or her status as a 'student' with the name of the affiliated school must be clearly stated. In the case of minors without affiliation, the most recent affiliation, position, and school years completed must be specified. 6. Persons with low contribution to research or publication shall be listed as “contributors” or recognized under “Acknowledgments,” and the persons must be made aware.Article 5 (Prohibition of Duplicate Publication and Double Submission)1. Researchers shall submit original, unpublished manuscript(s), and shall not submit them to other journals or books until the final decision of acceptance is made by the editorial board.2. If the submitted manuscript is an abbreviated version or part of a dissertation, or a revised version of an earlier presentation, this should be specified at the beginning of the manuscript.Article 6 (Prohibition of Plagiarism)1. Authors submitting a manuscript to the ADJ shall only present results obtained from actual research.2. When using results from prior research, the sources must be cited in the manuscriptArticle 7 (Citation and Reference)1. When citing previously published studies, citations must be clearly identified. 2. When either directly or indirectly citing any source, references should be listed alphabetically and citations must be made in the body of the text (in-text citations) according to the author-date system.Article 8 (Article Revision and Supplementation) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. The author shall revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’ and the editor's comments. 2. When the author disagrees with the reviewers’ comments, the author may send a written response to the editor, stating its reason in detail.Article 9 (Notification of Errors)If the author detects significant errors or inaccuracies after a publication decision has been taken on the submission, the author must request revision of the manuscript. If the author finds any significant errors in their work after publication, the author must immediately notify it to the editorial board.Article 10 (Institutional Review Board, IRB Approval) [Revised 12/12/2019]If a submitted manuscript utilizes research on human subject(s), it is recommended that an approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) be obtained and the approval number for the research be submitted to the editorial board. Research on human subjects is defined as follows: first, research conducted through physical intervention with humans; second, research conducted through interactions such as communication and interpersonal contact with humans; and third, research using private intervention. Research involving human subjects must provide all the subjects appropriate informed consent, and details on how this was obtained should be detailed in the manuscript.Chapter 3. Ethics of the Editorial BoardArticle 11 (Request for Manuscript Review and Management) [Revised 6/10/2017]1. The editorial board shall select three reviewers who have expertise in relevant field and do not have any conflict of interest with the authors for reviewing process., and request them a fair review.2. The editor-in-chief shall convene an editorial board meeting and make necessary adjustments if he/she determines the reviewer comments to be insufficient or inappropriate.Article 12 (Confidentiality of Author and Manuscript Content)1. In relation to the publication of the submitted manuscript, the editorial board shall not disclose the author's personal information and the contents of the manuscript.2. The review process shall be confidential, and identities of reviewers and the authors shall be concealed from each other.Chapter 4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research EthicsArticle 18 (Organization and Obligations)1. The Research Ethics Committee shall be organized to deliberate and make decisions on research ethics misconduct.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall be composed of eight members, including the Chairperson.3. The president of the Society for Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, SDDH) shall concurrently serve as the chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee and its members shall keep acquired information confidential while performing their duties as Research Ethics Committee members.5. The Research Ethics Committee shall continuously implement education and publicity programs to raise awareness of research ethics for SDDH members and contributors to the ADJ.Article 19 (Deliberation and Resolution)1. The Research Ethics Chairperson shall convene the Research Ethics Committee when it receives a request for an assessment of research ethics misconduct on a manuscript submitted to or published in the ADJ.2. Majority vote of the registered Research Ethics Committee members shall resolve the Committee’s agenda. 3. If a Research Ethics Committee member is an author of a manuscript under a research ethics misconduct deliberation, he or she cannot participate in the deliberation of the committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee shall, prior to making a decision, provide an opportunity for the author to justify his or her actions.Article 20 (Protection of Human Rights)1. To the best of its ability, the Research Ethics Committee shall protect the human rights of the deliberation subject (hereinafter referred to as the subject).2. The committee shall take caution not to damage the reputation or infringe on the rights of the subject until the deliberation process is completed.Article 21 (Raising of Objection and Provision of Justification)1. The subject shall maintain his or her membership status until a decision is made by the Research Ethics Committee.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall ensure the opportunity for the subject to present opinions, raise objections, and provide justification.3. In case the subject does not accept the decision, they are entitled to raise an objection within 10 days from the date of notification. The Research Ethics Committee shall start a reinvestigation if the committee decides that the objection is reasonable.Article 22 (Preparation and Notification of Decision Report)1. The Research Ethics Committee, after investigation and deliberation, shall prepare a decision report with consideration of objection(s) and/or pleading(s). The report shall include the following:1) Filing information2) Allegations of research misconduct and related research project misconduct3) Review process and veracity of the allegation4) Decision made based on evidence and witnesses statement(s)5) Objection(s) by the complainant and subject, their justification following the committee decision, and the management of the result thereafter.Article 23 (Measures on Research Ethics Violations) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. If the Research Ethics Committee determines that misconduct has occurred, as stated in Article 2, the following actions shall be taken for the manuscript and the author.1) If the submitted manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “rejection.”2) If a published manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “decision to void the publication,” and an announcement shall be made on the ADJ and the SDDH websites.3) Said manuscript shall be removed from the ADJ and the SDDH websites and other digital resources.4) The National Research Foundation of Korea shall be notified of the misconduct in detail.5) The violator of the research ethics shall be prohibited from submitting manuscript(s) to the ADJ for 5 years from the date of the decision. 6) The membership of the violator of research ethics shall be forfeited.Article 24 (Administration and Record Keeping) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. Proceedings not specified in the regulations shall be implemented according to the Research Ethics Committee’s decisions.2. Records of investigation and deliberation shall be kept for 5 years.Chapter 5 Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics RegulationsArticle 25 (Enforcement)1. These regulations are in effect as of January 1, 2009.2. All prior regulations (prior to January 1, 2009) on research ethics shall be implemented in accordance with current regulation.3. Proceedings not specified in the current regulation shall be implemented by the Research Ethics Committee.Article 26 (Revision)1. Research ethics regulations may be amended through the resolution of the Board of Directors of the SDDHAddendumArticle 1 (Enforcement Date, Re-enforcement)This regulation replaces the Manuscript Submission Regulation that took effect on October 1, 2001 when the Korea Society for Dance Documentation and the Society for the History of Korean Dance were integrated. It will take effect on May 1, 2014, with the establishment of the SDDH.Article 2 (Amendment) [Revised 6/10/2017]Article 10 of this regulation was amended through the resolution and approval of the executive board on June 10, 2017, and are in effect as of June 10, 2017.Article 3 (Revision of Regulations) [Revised 12/12/2019]This regulation was entirely revised through the resolution and approval of the editorial board on December 12, 2019, and are in effect as of January 1, 2020.Chapter 6 Publication PolicyArticle 1 (Purpose)This policy sets forth rules and regulations for the publication of Asian Dance Journal (hereinafter, “ADJ”) published by the Society of Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, “the Society”).Article 2 (Annual Number of Issues and Publication Dates)ADJ is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December (on the last day of the month). The submission deadlines are January 31st for the March publication, April 30th for the June publication, July 31st for the September publication, and October 31st for the December publication.Article 3 (Content and Type of Submission)1. Content: A submitted manuscript should be an original and unpublished work that pertains to the field of dance studies or related fields. It should not be submitted or published elsewhere until a decision is made on its acceptability for publication.2. Type: The Society publishes manuscripts that provide meaningful insights into and in-depth analysis of theoretical and practical research in the field and the literature of dance documentation and history.Article 4 (Eligibility)Only the Society members are eligible in principle to publish their work in ADJ (with the exception of invited contributors). Persons with a bachelor’s degree or higher or a person in the field of dance studies or related fields can be regular members of the Society. In the case of multiple submissions by the same single author, their publication in the same issue would not be permitted. However, if the author submits more than one coauthored manuscripts, a maximum of up to two manuscripts, including one single authored manuscript, can be published in the same issue.Article 5 (Submission Procedure)1. Submission Method: All submissions should be made via our online submission system ( It can be submitted at any time of the year, and the date of receipt of approval from the editorial office is the date of receipt. If you do not receive a reply within one week of submission, please contact the editorial staff via email at Manuscript Submission: You should follow the submission guidelines( If your submission does not comply with the guidelines, it may not be considered for peer review. Before submitting a manuscript to ADJ, you should carefully check it for grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, style, reference citations, and so on.3. Process: Once submitted, manuscripts will not be returned.4. Listing of Author Contributions: If the manuscript is written by more than one author, their names and affiliations should be listed in the order of first author, corresponding author (if other than the first author), and co-authors according to the level of contribution of each author to the manuscript. The corresponding author should be responsible for the supervision of the work, approval of all contents and the submission of the manuscript, appropriate authorship designation of all authors, and cooperation with the journal throughout the submission, review, revision, and publication processes. Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research for and the writing of the manuscript and agreed to take responsibility and be accountable for the content of the manuscript can be listed as authors while those who have only participated in obtaining funding for the study or in data collection or general supervision of the research team cannot be listed as authors.5. Reporting of the Relation to Prior Work: If the submitted manuscript is a part of a thesis, a dissertation, or a paper published as a part of conference proceedings, it should be acknowledged on the title page.6. Submission Fee: The submission fee of 90,000 KRW should be deposited to the account designated by the society upon submission. If the manuscript is returned for revision and resubmission after peer review, an additional fee of 30,000 KRW needs to be paid for resubmission. When the applicant does not wish to revise and resubmit the paper, the paper will no longer be considered for publication.7. Compliance with Research Ethics: The author(s) submitting a manuscript to the journal should consent to comply with the Society’s Research and Publication Ethics. The author(s) should sign and submit the form “Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics” to the editorial team.8. Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement Form: When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) should agree with the form “Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement.9. Manuscript originality checks: ADJ uses the CrossRef software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material. By submitting your manuscript to ADJ, you agree to any necessary originality checks during the peer review and production processes. If the manuscript is in Korean, please use the originality checks software given by Korean Journal of Citation Index (KCI) and submit the result to ADJ.Peer review processADJ has an online submission and peer review system at A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. All manuscripts, including those invited by the editor, are subject to peer review. The review process is as follows:1) Editorial board meeting and assessment: The editorial board first screens the submission to assess whether the manuscript fits the aims and scope of ADJ. Within two weeks after the submission deadline, the editor-in-chief convenes the first editorial board meeting for review, which assigns three reviewers for each submission. The board will not appoint reviewers who have a personal or professional relationship with the author(s) (for example, mentoring relationships). The board also assesses book reviews, historical data, and research trend reports for inclusion in the relevant issue.2) Anonymity of reviewers: ADJ operates a double-blind peer review process in which the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other's names or affiliations.. The corresponding authors will receive an anonymous review report.3) Rights of the reviewers and the editorial board: The reviewers may request the author to modify, supplement, or revise the manuscript in response to the review comments. The editorial staff may revise the manuscript for greater clarity, conciseness, and conformity to the style of ADJ.4) Responsibilities of the reviewers: The reviewers are required to judge whether a submission is suitable for the journal, based on transparency, fairness, and sincerity. They should write review comments maintaining respect for the personality and independence of the author as a fellow researcher. The editor-in-chief shall convene the editorial committee when a review is not substantive enough or the evaluation is not appropriate.5) Final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication: The editor-in-chief convenes the second editorial board meeting for review within two weeks after the completion of the review, where the board makes the final decision based on the combination of the reviews.i. The review of a manuscript is carried out up to the second round.ii. Authors submitting a revised manuscript following receipt of an “accepted after revision” or “revision and resubmission” decision should submit a “response to the reviewers’ comments” along with the resubmission to demonstrate how the manuscript has been altered item by item.If the author has any objection or appeal to the review result, he or she can submit an appeal letter to the editorial board, which includes details of his or her objections and the reasons for his or her appeal. Table of Contents1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research Misconduct2. Research Ethics for Authors3. Ethics of the Editorial Board4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research Ethics 5. Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics Regulations6. Publication PolicyChapter 1. Purpose of the Code of Research Ethics and Scope of Research MisconductArticle 1 (Purpose)The purpose of this code is to establish research ethics related to studies for the publication of ADJ, prevent research misconduct, and stipulate the general ethical guidelines for the fair and systematic verification in the event of research misconduct. They apply to contributors submitting manuscripts to the ADJ as well as editors and reviewers of the journal.Article 2 (Scope of Research Misconduct)1. Research misconducts include unethical practices such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, inappropriate authorship assignment, duplicate publication, double submission, and defamation in relation to research.1) “Fabrication” refers to the act of making up data or results that are not based on actual research..2) “Falsification” refers to the act of distorting research data or results by arbitrarily manipulating, modifying, or deleting research data or research process.3) “Plagiarism” refers to the act of appropriating another person's ideas, words, research contents, and works without proper attribution or citation.4) “Inappropriate authorship assignment” refers to the act of not assigning authorship of research output to a person as an author who has made academic contributions to the research data or results without justifiable reasons, or inappropriately assigning authorship of a research output to a person who has not made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution to the research output.5) “Duplicate publication” refers to the act of republishing the author’s previously published data or research results without proper approval or citation.6) “Double submission” refers to the act of submitting the same manuscript to different journals and receiving review concurrently. This is not applicable if the manuscript is submitted to a different journal after receiving ‘accept' or 'revision and resubmission' notification from the previously submitted journal.7) “Defamation” refers to the act of making an unjustified statement about a person or organization that is considered to harm their reputation without justifiable reasons.Chapter 2. Research Ethics for AuthorsArticle 3 (Compliance with Research Ethics) [Revised 12/12/2019]Only the authors who have consented to the Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics on the online article submission system may submit manuscripts.Article 4 (Authorship) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. “Author” means a person who satisfies all of the following: ① Has made significant contributions to research ideas, design, data collection, analysis, and writing② Has drafted or critically revised important academic content③ Has made the final approval of the edited version④ Has agreed to accept responsibility for issues related to accuracy and integrity of the research2. The order of co-authorship must be accurately indicated irrespective of socioeconomic status. Those who have directly participated in the study shall be listed in the order of their contributions, like the lead author, corresponding author, co-author, etc. The order and indication of co-authorship shall have prior consent from all authors participating in the study. 3. Only those who directly conducted the research or made substantial contributions and agreed to take full or partial responsibility for the contents or results of the research shall be designated as authors. A person who simply participated in receiving research grants, data collection, and/or research management shall not be listed as an author. 4. The corresponding author shall be responsible for the entire process of publishing the manuscript, and shall be in charge of revision after the manuscript review. He or she shall also be responsible for the primary communication with the editorial board, and shall cooperate with the editorial board when additional data or content is requested. It is recommended that the advisor of the manuscript be listed as the corresponding author.5. All authors shall state their affiliation and title. If the author is a student belonging to an elementary or secondary school, his or her status as a 'student' with the name of the affiliated school must be clearly stated. In the case of minors without affiliation, the most recent affiliation, position, and school years completed must be specified. 6. Persons with low contribution to research or publication shall be listed as “contributors” or recognized under “Acknowledgments,” and the persons must be made aware.Article 5 (Prohibition of Duplicate Publication and Double Submission)1. Researchers shall submit original, unpublished manuscript(s), and shall not submit them to other journals or books until the final decision of acceptance is made by the editorial board.2. If the submitted manuscript is an abbreviated version or part of a dissertation, or a revised version of an earlier presentation, this should be specified at the beginning of the manuscript.Article 6 (Prohibition of Plagiarism)1. Authors submitting a manuscript to the ADJ shall only present results obtained from actual research.2. When using results from prior research, the sources must be cited in the manuscriptArticle 7 (Citation and Reference)1. When citing previously published studies, citations must be clearly identified. 2. When either directly or indirectly citing any source, references should be listed alphabetically and citations must be made in the body of the text (in-text citations) according to the author-date system.Article 8 (Article Revision and Supplementation) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. The author shall revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’ and the editor's comments. 2. When the author disagrees with the reviewers’ comments, the author may send a written response to the editor, stating its reason in detail.Article 9 (Notification of Errors)If the author detects significant errors or inaccuracies after a publication decision has been taken on the submission, the author must request revision of the manuscript. If the author finds any significant errors in their work after publication, the author must immediately notify it to the editorial board.Article 10 (Institutional Review Board, IRB Approval) [Revised 12/12/2019]If a submitted manuscript utilizes research on human subject(s), it is recommended that an approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) be obtained and the approval number for the research be submitted to the editorial board. Research on human subjects is defined as follows: first, research conducted through physical intervention with humans; second, research conducted through interactions such as communication and interpersonal contact with humans; and third, research using private intervention. Research involving human subjects must provide all the subjects appropriate informed consent, and details on how this was obtained should be detailed in the manuscript.Chapter 3. Ethics of the Editorial BoardArticle 11 (Request for Manuscript Review and Management) [Revised 6/10/2017]1. The editorial board shall select three reviewers who have expertise in relevant field and do not have any conflict of interest with the authors for reviewing process., and request them a fair review.2. The editor-in-chief shall convene an editorial board meeting and make necessary adjustments if he/she determines the reviewer comments to be insufficient or inappropriate.Article 12 (Confidentiality of Author and Manuscript Content)1. In relation to the publication of the submitted manuscript, the editorial board shall not disclose the author's personal information and the contents of the manuscript.2. The review process shall be confidential, and identities of reviewers and the authors shall be concealed from each other.Chapter 4. Organization and Operation of Research Ethics Committee and Measures against Violations of Research EthicsArticle 18 (Organization and Obligations)1. The Research Ethics Committee shall be organized to deliberate and make decisions on research ethics misconduct.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall be composed of eight members, including the Chairperson.3. The president of the Society for Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, SDDH) shall concurrently serve as the chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee and its members shall keep acquired information confidential while performing their duties as Research Ethics Committee members.5. The Research Ethics Committee shall continuously implement education and publicity programs to raise awareness of research ethics for SDDH members and contributors to the ADJ.Article 19 (Deliberation and Resolution)1. The Research Ethics Chairperson shall convene the Research Ethics Committee when it receives a request for an assessment of research ethics misconduct on a manuscript submitted to or published in the ADJ.2. Majority vote of the registered Research Ethics Committee members shall resolve the Committee’s agenda. 3. If a Research Ethics Committee member is an author of a manuscript under a research ethics misconduct deliberation, he or she cannot participate in the deliberation of the committee.4. The Research Ethics Committee shall, prior to making a decision, provide an opportunity for the author to justify his or her actions.Article 20 (Protection of Human Rights)1. To the best of its ability, the Research Ethics Committee shall protect the human rights of the deliberation subject (hereinafter referred to as the subject).2. The committee shall take caution not to damage the reputation or infringe on the rights of the subject until the deliberation process is completed.Article 21 (Raising of Objection and Provision of Justification)1. The subject shall maintain his or her membership status until a decision is made by the Research Ethics Committee.2. The Research Ethics Committee shall ensure the opportunity for the subject to present opinions, raise objections, and provide justification.3. In case the subject does not accept the decision, they are entitled to raise an objection within 10 days from the date of notification. The Research Ethics Committee shall start a reinvestigation if the committee decides that the objection is reasonable.Article 22 (Preparation and Notification of Decision Report)1. The Research Ethics Committee, after investigation and deliberation, shall prepare a decision report with consideration of objection(s) and/or pleading(s). The report shall include the following:1) Filing information2) Allegations of research misconduct and related research project misconduct3) Review process and veracity of the allegation4) Decision made based on evidence and witnesses statement(s)5) Objection(s) by the complainant and subject, their justification following the committee decision, and the management of the result thereafter.Article 23 (Measures on Research Ethics Violations) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. If the Research Ethics Committee determines that misconduct has occurred, as stated in Article 2, the following actions shall be taken for the manuscript and the author.1) If the submitted manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “rejection.”2) If a published manuscript is determined to have violated research ethics, the author(s) of the manuscript are notified of the “decision to void the publication,” and an announcement shall be made on the ADJ and the SDDH websites.3) Said manuscript shall be removed from the ADJ and the SDDH websites and other digital resources.4) The National Research Foundation of Korea shall be notified of the misconduct in detail.5) The violator of the research ethics shall be prohibited from submitting manuscript(s) to the ADJ for 5 years from the date of the decision. 6) The membership of the violator of research ethics shall be forfeited.Article 24 (Administration and Record Keeping) [Revised 12/12/2019]1. Proceedings not specified in the regulations shall be implemented according to the Research Ethics Committee’s decisions.2. Records of investigation and deliberation shall be kept for 5 years.Chapter 5 Enforcement and Amendment of Research Ethics RegulationsArticle 25 (Enforcement)1. These regulations are in effect as of January 1, 2009.2. All prior regulations (prior to January 1, 2009) on research ethics shall be implemented in accordance with current regulation.3. Proceedings not specified in the current regulation shall be implemented by the Research Ethics Committee.Article 26 (Revision)1. Research ethics regulations may be amended through the resolution of the Board of Directors of the SDDHAddendumArticle 1 (Enforcement Date, Re-enforcement)This regulation replaces the Manuscript Submission Regulation that took effect on October 1, 2001 when the Korea Society for Dance Documentation and the Society for the History of Korean Dance were integrated. It will take effect on May 1, 2014, with the establishment of the SDDH.Article 2 (Amendment) [Revised 6/10/2017]Article 10 of this regulation was amended through the resolution and approval of the executive board on June 10, 2017, and are in effect as of June 10, 2017.Article 3 (Revision of Regulations) [Revised 12/12/2019]This regulation was entirely revised through the resolution and approval of the editorial board on December 12, 2019, and are in effect as of January 1, 2020.Chapter 6 Publication PolicyArticle 1 (Purpose)This policy sets forth rules and regulations for the publication of Asian Dance Journal (hereinafter, “ADJ”) published by the Society of Dance Documentation and History (hereinafter, “the Society”).Article 2 (Annual Number of Issues and Publication Dates)ADJ is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December (on the last day of the month). The submission deadlines are January 31st for the March publication, April 30th for the June publication, July 31st for the September publication, and October 31st for the December publication.Article 3 (Content and Type of Submission)1. Content: A submitted manuscript should be an original and unpublished work that pertains to the field of dance studies or related fields. It should not be submitted or published elsewhere until a decision is made on its acceptability for publication.2. Type: The Society publishes manuscripts that provide meaningful insights into and in-depth analysis of theoretical and practical research in the field and the literature of dance documentation and history.Article 4 (Eligibility)Only the Society members are eligible in principle to publish their work in ADJ (with the exception of invited contributors). Persons with a bachelor’s degree or higher or a person in the field of dance studies or related fields can be regular members of the Society. In the case of multiple submissions by the same single author, their publication in the same issue would not be permitted. However, if the author submits more than one coauthored manuscripts, a maximum of up to two manuscripts, including one single authored manuscript, can be published in the same issue.Article 5 (Submission Procedure)1. Submission Method: All submissions should be made via our online submission system ( It can be submitted at any time of the year, and the date of receipt of approval from the editorial office is the date of receipt. If you do not receive a reply within one week of submission, please contact the editorial staff via email at Manuscript Submission: You should follow the submission guidelines( If your submission does not comply with the guidelines, it may not be considered for peer review. Before submitting a manuscript to ADJ, you should carefully check it for grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, style, reference citations, and so on.3. Process: Once submitted, manuscripts will not be returned.4. Listing of Author Contributions: If the manuscript is written by more than one author, their names and affiliations should be listed in the order of first author, corresponding author (if other than the first author), and co-authors according to the level of contribution of each author to the manuscript. The corresponding author should be responsible for the supervision of the work, approval of all contents and the submission of the manuscript, appropriate authorship designation of all authors, and cooperation with the journal throughout the submission, review, revision, and publication processes. Only individuals who have significantly contributed to the research for and the writing of the manuscript and agreed to take responsibility and be accountable for the content of the manuscript can be listed as authors while those who have only participated in obtaining funding for the study or in data collection or general supervision of the research team cannot be listed as authors.5. Reporting of the Relation to Prior Work: If the submitted manuscript is a part of a thesis, a dissertation, or a paper published as a part of conference proceedings, it should be acknowledged on the title page.6. Submission Fee: The submission fee of 90,000 KRW should be deposited to the account designated by the society upon submission. If the manuscript is returned for revision and resubmission after peer review, an additional fee of 30,000 KRW needs to be paid for resubmission. When the applicant does not wish to revise and resubmit the paper, the paper will no longer be considered for publication.7. Compliance with Research Ethics: The author(s) submitting a manuscript to the journal should consent to comply with the Society’s Research and Publication Ethics. The author(s) should sign and submit the form “Pledge of Compliance with Research Ethics” to the editorial team.8. Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement Form: When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) should agree with the form “Digital Copyright Transfer Agreement.9. Manuscript originality checks: ADJ uses the CrossRef software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal material. By submitting your manuscript to ADJ, you agree to any necessary originality checks during the peer review and production processes. If the manuscript is in Korean, please use the originality checks software given by Korean Journal of Citation Index (KCI) and submit the result to ADJ.Peer review processADJ has an online submission and peer review system at A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. All manuscripts, including those invited by the editor, are subject to peer review. The review process is as follows:1) Editorial board meeting and assessment: The editorial board first screens the submission to assess whether the manuscript fits the aims and scope of ADJ. Within two weeks after the submission deadline, the editor-in-chief convenes the first editorial board meeting for review, which assigns three reviewers for each submission. The board will not appoint reviewers who have a personal or professional relationship with the author(s) (for example, mentoring relationships). The board also assesses book reviews, historical data, and research trend reports for inclusion in the relevant issue.2) Anonymity of reviewers: ADJ operates a double-blind peer review process in which the authors and reviewers are blinded from each other's names or affiliations.. The corresponding authors will receive an anonymous review report.3) Rights of the reviewers and the editorial board: The reviewers may request the author to modify, supplement, or revise the manuscript in response to the review comments. The editorial staff may revise the manuscript for greater clarity, conciseness, and conformity to the style of ADJ.4) Responsibilities of the reviewers: The reviewers are required to judge whether a submission is suitable for the journal, based on transparency, fairness, and sincerity. They should write review comments maintaining respect for the personality and independence of the author as a fellow researcher. The editor-in-chief shall convene the editorial committee when a review is not substantive enough or the evaluation is not appropriate.5) Final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication: The editor-in-chief convenes the second editorial board meeting for review within two weeks after the completion of the review, where the board makes the final decision based on the combination of the reviews.i. The review of a manuscript is carried out up to the second round.ii. Authors submitting a revised manuscript following receipt of an “accepted after revision” or “revision and resubmission” decision should submit a “response to the reviewers’ comments” along with the resubmission to demonstrate how the manuscript has been altered item by item.If the author has any objection or appeal to the review result, he or she can submit an appeal letter to the editorial board, which includes details of his or her objections and the reasons for his or her appeal.