The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Asian Dance Journal

Arts Ecosystem for ‘the Common’

‘공동’의 예술 생태계 : 1990년대 이후 콜렉티브를 중심으로 +

Kim, Jaelee 김재리


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.69 pp.33-52

Arts Ecosystem for ‘the Common’ ×

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Post-Choreography +

포스트 코레오그래피 + : 탈식민화된 연결과 집합

Kim, Jaelee 김재리


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.68 pp.3-15

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Copyright Ownership by Choreography Participation Method and its Effect

안무가의 안무참여방식에 따른 저작권의 인정과 그 효과

Cho, Sanghyeok 조상혁


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.35 pp.197-234

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Origin, Development, and Expansion: A Brief Argument on Terminology and History of Korean Community Dance

한국 커뮤니티 댄스의 근원, 흐름, 확장

Choi, Haeree 최해리


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.36 pp.49-68

Origin, Development, and Expansion: A Brief Argument on Terminology and History of Korean Community Dance ×

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Origin, Development, and Expansion: A Brief Argument on Terminology and History of Korean Community Dance ×
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An Essay for a New Value Classification of Community Dance

한국 커뮤니티 댄스의 새로운 가치 분류를 위한 시론

Jeon, Yehwa 전예화


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.41 pp.187-210

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A Study on the Function and Meaning of Community Dance from the View of a Professional Dance Artist

전문무용예술가의 시각에서 바라본 한국 커뮤니티 댄스의 기능과 그 의미

Jeon, Yehwa 전예화


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.49 pp.159-181

A Study on the Function and Meaning of Community Dance from the View of a Professional Dance Artist ×

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A Study on the Function and Meaning of Community Dance from the View of a Professional Dance Artist ×
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