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The Effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Professional Ballet Dancers
발레전공 직업 무용수의 직무자율성이 직무만족, 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 워라밸(일과 삶의 균형) 인식의 조절효과
DOI: Dance Journal
The Effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Professional Ballet Dancers ×
The Effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Professional Ballet Dancers ×
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The Analysis of Status of Using SNS among Domestic Dance Compaies : Focusing On Facebook
국내무용단체의 SNS활용 실태분석 : 페이스북을 중심으로
DOI:10.26861/sddh.2015.38.33Asian Dance Journal
The Analysis of Status of Using SNS among Domestic Dance Compaies : Focusing On Facebook ×
The Analysis of Status of Using SNS among Domestic Dance Compaies : Focusing On Facebook ×
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Semiotic Implication of the NYCB Commercial : Focused on the NYC Ballet's Young Patrons Circle
뉴욕시티발레단 광고의 기호학적 함의 : 뉴욕시티발레단 젊은 후원자의 하루(NYC Ballet's Young Patrons Circle)를 중심으로
DOI:10.26861/sddh.2017.44.255Asian Dance Journal
Semiotic Implication of the NYCB Commercial : Focused on the NYC Ballet's Young Patrons Circle ×
Semiotic Implication of the NYCB Commercial : Focused on the NYC Ballet's Young Patrons Circle ×
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Historical Study on the Full-Act Premiere of Giselle in Korea
한국의 <지젤> 전막 초연작에 대한 역사적 고찰
DOI:10.26861/sddh.2018.49.107Asian Dance Journal
Historical Study on the Full-Act Premiere of Giselle in Korea ×
Historical Study on the Full-Act Premiere of Giselle in Korea ×
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