The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Asian Dance Journal

Consideration of the Recorded Elements of Dance and Dance Therapy in Contemporary Western Works of Art : Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and Henri Matisse

현대 미술작품에서의 무용 및 무용치료에 관한 기록적 요소들 고찰 : 피카소, 잭슨 폴락과 마티스의 사례

Rim, Sungryun 임성윤


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.43 pp.55-78

Consideration of the Recorded Elements of Dance and Dance Therapy in Contemporary Western Works of Art : Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and Henri Matisse ×

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Consideration of the Recorded Elements of Dance and Dance Therapy in Contemporary Western Works of Art : Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and Henri Matisse ×
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A Study of Creative Application of the Dancer's Oral History : Making Diagrams Related to the Korean Dance Scene in the 20th Century

무용구술사의 창의적인 활용 방안 모색 : 20세기 한국춤문화사 관련 도식 제작을 중심으로

Choi, Haeree 최해리


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.51 pp.171-198

A Study of Creative Application of the Dancer's Oral History : Making Diagrams Related to the Korean Dance Scene in the 20th Century ×

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A Study of Creative Application of the Dancer's Oral History : Making Diagrams Related to the Korean Dance Scene in the 20th Century ×
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