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Dance, a History of Amazing Therapy
춤, 놀라운 치료의 역사 : 한국의 병굿과 이탈리아의 타란티즘의 비교를 중심으로 +
DOI: Dance Journal
Dance, a History of Amazing Therapy ×
Dance, a History of Amazing Therapy ×
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The Research Trend of Qualitative Researches on Dance/Movement Therapy +
무용/동작치료 질적연구 동향 분석 : 국내 학술지 중심으로
DOI: Dance Journal
The Research Trend of Qualitative Researches on Dance/Movement Therapy + ×
The Research Trend of Qualitative Researches on Dance/Movement Therapy + ×
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A Study on the Effectiveness of Dance/Movement Therapy Group Counseling Program for the Non-disabled Siblings of Disabled Children
장애를 가진 형제자매를 둔 비장애 아동의 무용/동작 집단상담 프로그램 효과 연구 : 자아존중감, 자기표현, 자기역량 지각 증진을 중심으로
DOI: Dance Journal
A Study on the Effectiveness of Dance/Movement Therapy Group Counseling Program for the Non-disabled Siblings of Disabled Children ×
A Study on the Effectiveness of Dance/Movement Therapy Group Counseling Program for the Non-disabled Siblings of Disabled Children ×
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