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Study on the Current Status of Dance Education in the Jeonbuk Region and the Localization of Career Paths/occupations for Dance Majors+
전북지역 무용교육 현황과 무용전공생 진로/직업 지역 토착화 방안 연구+
DOI: Dance Journal
Study on the Current Status of Dance Education in the Jeonbuk Region and the Localization of Career Paths/occupations for Dance Majors+ ×
Study on the Current Status of Dance Education in the Jeonbuk Region and the Localization of Career Paths/occupations for Dance Majors+ ×
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Research Trends of Contemporary Dance Majors
현대무용전공자를 대상으로 한 신체 관련 연구동향 분석 토픽모델링 및 네트워크 분석 적용
DOI: Dance Journal
Research Trends of Contemporary Dance Majors ×
Research Trends of Contemporary Dance Majors ×
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