The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Asian Dance Journal / June 2022 Vol. 65 No.

Body and Earth in Dance, Ritual, and Body Movement

춤, 의례, 일상적 몸짓 속의 몸과 대지 : 생태학적 연결에 대한 사례 연구

Cho, Kyoung Mann 조경만


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.3-35

Body and Earth in Dance, Ritual, and Body Movement ×

This study aims at the description of ecological connection between body and earth(nature) through dances, rituals, and body movements. Referring to some dance studies which assume the body-earth connection as a lever for the realization of ecological relationality, this article illuminates some cases of ecologically related dances, rituals and body movements. In the first, this article reviews recent discourses of philosophy, anthropology, and dance studies on ecological consciousness, experience, ontology, and ecosomatic perception. Recent academic discourses emphasize that the connection is realized by the non-hierarchical relation, free from the perspective of dualism, between human being and ‘more-than-human’ world. Secondly, this article describes concrete cases. The cases show participants’ experiences of various ways or modes of connection, respectively; attentive efforts toward subtle energy in connection, immersion into the ecological world, surrender to earth, sensing reciprocity, realization of body as microcosm of earth, becoming other being and ontological transformation. In sum, this study describes people’s experience of the ecological world connected by dances, rituals and body movements.

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Development of Ohaeng Eumseong Chum based on BRACED Principles of Somatic Movement

소매틱 움직임 원리 ‘BRACED’에 기반한 ‘오행음성춤’ 프로그램 연구 : 기신법(氣身法)과 육자기결(六字氣訣)을 중심으로+

Kim, Yoonseon, Kim, Kyunghee 김윤선, 김경희


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.39-61

Development of Ohaeng Eumseong Chum based on BRACED Principles of Somatic Movement ×

In this study, we explore the principles of somatic movement inherent in Eastern psychosomatic disciplines with the aim of developing a somatic movement program for well-being. Taking into consideration the principle known as ‘BRACED’, we examined the Kishinbeop of Kouksundo and the Yukjagigyeol of Hwalinshimbang whose training methods are based upon the relationship between Yin and Yang and the five elements (water, fire, wood, metal and earth) and viscera, and developed the ‘Ohaeng Eumseong Chum’ program. The water dance is a movement that strengthens the kidneys and bladder, paired with the sound of ‘Chwi-’. The fire dance strengthens the heart and small intestine with the sound of ‘Whaw-’. The wood dance is for the lungs and large intestines, and makes the sound of ‘S-’. The earth dance is composed of movements for the spleen and stomach accompanied by the sound ‘Hoo-’. This study contributes to the development somatic movement and to the study of well-being movement, which can help dancers and individuals to get to know their bodies and live a long and healthy life.

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Significance of The Little Angels in Performing Arts History I

리틀엔젤스예술단의 공연예술사적 의미 I : 리틀엔젤스예술단 60년사 시기별 활동과 특징을 중심으로+

Kim, Hee-sun 김희선


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.63-99

Significance of The Little Angels in Performing Arts History I ×

This study examines periods, characteristics, activities, and the significance of the 60 years The Little Angels, a Korean children’s performing arts troupe. The research was conducted through a literature survey, the review of primary data including concert programs, newspapers, films, and interviews with key informants. The troupe formulated members, management, and repertoires during its ‘Formulated Period,’ In its ‘Cultural Ambassador Period’ in the context of the International Cold War and nation-building, the troupe played its role as a cultural ambassador with the mission to dispatch Korean culture to the “free world,” beginning with the US, then Europe, Asia, and South America. In the ’Private Troupe Transition Period’ of the 1980s, the troupe focused on domestic rather than overseas activities, yet performed at major events like the Seoul Olympic Games. After 1991, during its ‘Peace Delegation Period,’ the troupe again concentrated on overseas performances in the post-Cold War context and toured the USSR, North Korea, China, and UN nations that participated in the Korean War. This study examines The Little Angels unique position and provides a rich and multi-dimensional views of contemporary Korean performing arts history as created by the intersection of global and Korean concerns.

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A Study on the Choreography of After Beginning and Before The End+

무용작품 「시작한 후, 끝나기 전에」에 관한 연구+

Lai, Xin 라이신


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.101-121

A Study on the Choreography of After Beginning and Before The End+ ×

This paper analyzes the author’s piece entitled “After Beginning and Before the End”, which explores the relationship between the creation process of Chinese characters and dance, drawing upon the Tao-te-ching of Laozi. As per Laozi’s concept of ‘Tao’, all creation changes from a simple to a complex state, with a wide variety of possibilities in the process. We intended to make the rediscovery of all creation suggested in the Tao-te-ching of Laozi into a piece of a choreography by applying the minimum unit of Chinese characters and their shapes as the principle for generating dance movement. This research proposes the method of dance composition from the perspective of the redevelopment of all creation presented in Laozi’s Tao-te-ching.

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A Study on the Aesthetics of New Dance Art by Wu XiaoBang

우샤오팡(吳曉邦)의 신무용예술(新舞蹈藝術) 미학사상에 관한 연구

Zhang, Jian 장건


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.123-144

A Study on the Aesthetics of New Dance Art by Wu XiaoBang ×

Wu XiaoBang new dance art aesthetic thought is examined in this paper in order to shed light on the significance of revolution and progress. XiaoBang critically adapted both western romantic ballet and German expressionist dance, and developed the essence of Chinese classical culture. He proposed a new dance art in accordance with aesthetic in the new era of China. Based on a literature review, this study analyzed the aesthetic thought of new dance art from four aspects: dance performance, dance creation, dance education and dance theory. Research papers on new dance art, one-line books and critical essays are used to analyze the development history of modern dance in China and to understand the formation and development of new dance art. In summarizing Wu XiaoBang formation and development of new dance art aesthetics, this research makes a significant contribution to the development of dance discipline and training principles.

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An Study on the Status and Experience Analysis of Online Practical Classes of Dance Major Students due to COVID-19

코로나19로 인한 무용전공 대학생들의 비대면 실기수업 현황 및 경험 분석

Huh, Ka Young, Kwon, Hae In 허가영, 권혜인


Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.145-167

An Study on the Status and Experience Analysis of Online Practical Classes of Dance Major Students due to COVID-19 ×

The purpose of this study is to understand the status and experience of online practical classes for dance major students in the COVID-19 situation. As a result, suggestions for improvement are as follows. First, instructors should provide various types of teaching strategies by utilizing the LMS. Second, colleges should provide and improve the online educational environment for instructors and learners. Last, learners should find a balance between freedom and control of online classes. Based on this study, it aims to help learner-centered effective instructional management and lecture quality improvement, and furthermore, it aims to provide basic data to respond to changes and future of dance education facing online classes.

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Book Review: Kim Suk-young, K-POP Live: Fans, Idols, and Multimedia Performance. Standford, CA: Standford University Press, 2018, 288 pages.

Amos Farooqi

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.65 pp.175-180

Book Review: Kim Suk-young, K-POP Live: Fans, Idols, and Multimedia Performance. Standford, CA: Standford University Press, 2018, 288 pages. ×

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Book Review: Kim Suk-young, K-POP Live: Fans, Idols, and Multimedia Performance. Standford, CA: Standford University Press, 2018, 288 pages. ×
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