The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Experiential Research of the PKIP of Dance Performers 전문무용수의 심리ㆍ동작 이미지화 과정(PKIP) 체험연구 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.34 pp.197-225
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2014.34.197

전문무용수의 심리ㆍ동작 이미지화 과정(PKIP) 체험연구

Experiential Research of the PKIP of Dance Performers


Lee, Jeong-Myung,Gim, Jeong Myung


This study is to trace the fundamental structure of how PKIP, which was developed by Anna Halprin, a dance educator, artist and the founder of Tamalpa Institute, is experienced by dancers. For this, we have searched the background in which PKIP was created and its work structure and executed a qualitative research on dancers’ experiences. Five professional dancers with their experiences of more than ten years in dancing and over six months in PKIP were selected as study participants. The study participants’ experiences through PKIP were divided into three main topics i.e. the penetrability among media, images as the inner teacher of creativity and the creative transformation of emotions and again, each main topic could be divided into two sub-topics. Through PKIP, the study participants experienced the whole system where they realized that their movements generated interactions between the inner images coming across the dancers’ minds and the outer images in drawings or poetic languages, and through these interactions, they came in and out of two or three different art media’s areas freely and let the media’s influences inter-penetrate each other. Also, they found out images were activated as their inner teachers of creativity. Through PKIP, they discovered the inner tensioned voices commenting on their own movements and could realize that creativity which they have as dancers expanded as they trusted their subjective images. Lastly, the study participants confronted their emotions in a different way from the ones they experienced in general dance performances and this became the resources for their new, good-quality dances, and also PKIP provided each of them with an important private area that the participants might have as dancers because PKIP dealt with their emotions just directly; the participants perceived all these they experienced as their importance experiences.

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