The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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A Dance Analysis of Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Cinderella : Focused on Stepmother and Two Stepsisters through the Feminist View 장 크리스토프 마이요의 <신데렐라> 분석 : 여성주의 시각에서 본 계모와 두 자매 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.38 pp.131-153
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2015.38.131

장 크리스토프 마이요의 <신데렐라> 분석 : 여성주의 시각에서 본 계모와 두 자매

A Dance Analysis of Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Cinderella : Focused on Stepmother and Two Stepsisters through the Feminist View


Choi, Jungyoon,Cho, Kisook


The purpose of this thesis is to interpret contemporary ballet work Cinderella via feminist perspectives. The effort of theoretician feminists affected feminism in the eighteen-century (18th). The Feminist movements showed new research about women’s dance, in particular to the changes in the understanding of woman's body movements and the interpretation of female dance. Furthermore, contemporary dance focused more on the feminist view. The literature review of this study found that various research studies accepted the effects of feminism on common arts and dance. Using Janet Adshed’s dance analysis methods, this study examined Jean-Christophe Maillot's contemporary ballet Cinderella focusing on the dance movement patterns of the wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. This study used the performance video to analyze the movement patterns in Maillot's Cinderella. On feminist viewpoints, firstly, the wicked stepmother and two stepsisters were not shy when they were looking at men. Their movements freely expressed their passions and feelings. Also, their acting displayed such the emotions as joy, sorrow, and anger without inhibition. Secondly, the movements of the wicked stepmother and two stepsisters showed passion and feminist feeling in their Pas de deux employing liberated movements of their chests. Accordingly, the wicked stepmother and two stepsisters had a strong liberal inclination. The relationship between Cinderella's father and the stepmother has control. The findings of this study suggest that Maillot's Cinderella be interpreted and understood in the realm of feminism and feminist theories.

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