The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Choreographic Trends in “12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase” : A Focus on Male Choreographers of Korean Dance ≪한국 현대춤작가 12인전≫의 작품 경향 연구 : 남성 한국무용 안무가를 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.40 pp.187-219
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2016.40.187

≪한국 현대춤작가 12인전≫의 작품 경향 연구 : 남성 한국무용 안무가를 중심으로

Choreographic Trends in “12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase” : A Focus on Male Choreographers of Korean Dance


Yoo, Seungkwan


The purpose of this study was to investigate trends in male choreographers’ work in Korean dance, as demonstrated in “12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase.” For this study, the researcher observed the showcase before collecting and organizing critiques about the showcases from dance magazines, such as 󰡔Auditorium󰡕, 󰡔Performance and Review󰡕, 󰡔Dance Forum󰡕, 󰡔MOMM󰡕, 󰡔Dance Korea󰡕, 󰡔Dance󰡕, and 󰡔Dance and People󰡕. These articles were collected from performance pamphlets and related news in the 1990s or earlier from the Internet News Libraries ( The researcher also interviewed and communicated via email with the choreographers who participated in the showcase. The interviews included questions about background information in creating the work, the focus of the dances, and their points of view. From 1987 to 2005, a total of 15 male choreographers in Korean dance participated in”12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase,” composing a total of 26 performances. Gook Soo-Ho participated in the showcase eight times, including two repeat performances. As this showcase emphasized premieres, Jeong Jae-Man had three performances, Chae Sang-Mook had two performances, and Kim Yong-Cheol had two performances. The Other 11 choreographers had one performance each. The choreographers demonstrated various themes in “12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase.” Performances with the themes of fraternity and love for family included “By the River in North Korea” by Gook Soo-Ho and “Share” by Kim Seung-Il. Performances with themes of nihil and samsara included “Empty Boat,” “Gook Soo Ho’s Bolero,” “Garden of God Ⅰ- Nought (無)”by Gook Soo-Ho and “Mind Purifying Music” by Chae Sang-Mook. “Dance in the Sky” by Jeong Jae-Man illustrated the pursuit of an ideal, whereas “Sound of Dried Wild Flowers” by Chae Sang-Mook and “Light Wind” by Kim Yoon-Soo tried to overcome reality. There were also themes of exorcism (ritual ceremony) for the repose of souls: “Meditation of Myeonam” by Gook Soo-Ho, “Fever” by Im Gwan-Gyu, “Like Butterflies” by Lee Hong-Jae, and “Black Exorcism” by Kim, Yong-Cheol. Finally, there were themes of discovery of the ego and self-training, including “Danya (Red Bellow)” by Kim Yong-Cheol, “Shadow” by Kim Jeong-Hak, “Sad Song” by Han Sang-Geun, “Ego” by Lee Gyeong-Soo, and “Far Away” by Kim Nam-Yong. Since 1987, male choreographers in Korean dance have demonstrated unique performances in “12 Korean Contemporary Dance Choreographers’ Showcase,” presenting dance performances with religious and philosophical speculation. Generally, they emphasize themes about human beings and the environment. There are fewer female choreographers in Korean dance than male choreographers. However, female choreographers also try to show their spirit based on their lifestyles and experiences. As choreographers in Korean dance, they adopted the division of Korea and the Korean environment as a theme rather than showing the uniqueness of Korean traditional dance movements in developing Korean contemporary dance techniques.

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