The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Movement Characteristics of Byung-Choen Park’s Jindo Drum Dance Seen Through Laban Movement Analysis LMA 분석을 통해 나타난 박병천流 진도북춤 춤사위의 특성 연구 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.43 pp.113-141
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2016.43.113

LMA 분석을 통해 나타난 박병천流 진도북춤 춤사위의 특성 연구

Movement Characteristics of Byung-Choen Park’s Jindo Drum Dance Seen Through Laban Movement Analysis


Choi, Wonsun


Byung-Choen Park’s Jindo Drum Dance is a masterpiece that strikes a balance between traditional Korean music and dance. As one of the most representative traditional dances, this dance has been loved and performed by many people for a long time. This study focuses on discovering the unique qualities of Byung-Choen Park’s Jindo Drum Dance by examining its movements through Laban Movement Analysis. Along with this analysis, this study also explores the special concepts and philosophical meanings embodied in the movements of the dance. As a Certified Laban Movement Analyst, the author analyzed the movements based on the dance film shown at Jin-do on November 7, 2008. The movement qualities of the Jindo Drum Dance are as follows. First, the dance employs both regular beats and irregular up-beats that cause disorder within order. Second, the limited torso movement while holding a drum enhances simultaneous and, consequently, harmonized arm and leg movements. Third, diverse arm and leg gestures draw curved and straight spatial designs by using peripheral and transverse spatial pathways. Fourth, in most performances, the dancer faces the front and right and left forward side directions based on the proscenium stage. Also, the diverse spatial directions of all body parts within a personal kinesphere create three-dimensional volumes with mixed diagonal lines within a cube. Fifth, the inner impulse of the movements demonstrates an Effort phrase, such as Action Drive, then Bound and Free Flow and Passion Drive, versus Remote or Mobile State. These Effort phrases reveal a unique Korean dance aesthetic, which consists of a harmonizing of Jeong Jung Dong-stability and mobility, as well as calm and active. Sixth, these five special qualities rely on a structure that includes principles of repetition. Repetitive movement qualities help audiences appreciate and evoke the unique Korean sentiment, Shin-myung. All of these movement qualities are well orchestrated in between two opposing poles, such as harmony and chaos, regular and irregular, soft and stiff, strong and weak, curved and straight, and feminine and masculine, which eventually imply the special Korean cultural concept of Jeong Jung Dong and Dong Jung Jeong, which is based on Yin-Yang philosophy.

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