The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Dance Critique : Factors Constituting Inferenceof Work Image Revealed in Text Mainly deals with byKorean National Contemporary Dance Company 춤비평: 글을 통해 나타나는 작품 이미지 추론의 구성 요소와 의미 : 국립현대무용단<이미아직>작품을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.44 pp.135-158
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2017.44.135

춤비평: 글을 통해 나타나는 작품 이미지 추론의 구성 요소와 의미 : 국립현대무용단<이미아직>작품을 중심으로

Dance Critique : Factors Constituting Inferenceof Work Image Revealed in Text Mainly deals with byKorean National Contemporary Dance Company


Kim, Minjeong,Park, Soonja


This study is an analysis of dance critics' way of writing to make the general public appropriate images. Thus, this study aims to identify the images in writings inferred by readers; this study investigates the factors of aesthetic works by critics who compose images in their writings. In this study, the inference process of images for the interpretation and analysis of works was described by investigating the factors appearing in dance critics' writings on their impression of the works. By describing a critic's way of writing, which is shown in the critique on the Korean National Contemporary Dance Company's , the components and meaning of image inference in the work were examined. The study found that the trends in the form of the aesthetic work from critics' appreciation could be summarized as generalization and the universalization. It could be seen that the generalization acted as the basis of a basic judgement for the quality of the work, which appeared through understanding the subject and themes of the work. The universalization presented image refinement of inference for the analysis with technical requirements for aesthetic characteristics, form, social and philosophical structure, thoughts and ideas, and artistry. The critics writing on works has an open attitude to possess a convergent direction of interpretation as a progressive form against the abstractness appearing in the art of human society. However, it could be seen that the functional descriptions of artworks were presented to readers as as an association process of image inference in a censored form (which is generalization and universalization) in order to identify human society as cultural, social, and historical forms.

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