The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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The Choreographical Approach to Archive : Focusing on 아카이브에 대한 안무적 접근 : <봄의 제전(2013)>을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.46 pp.57-84
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2017.46.057

아카이브에 대한 안무적 접근 : <봄의 제전(2013)>을 중심으로

The Choreographical Approach to Archive : Focusing on


Kim, Jaelee


This study looks into the relationship of archive and dance practices by examining a case of archive applied choreography and I discussed the creation and discourses of contemporary dance which tends to archive. For this, I took a part in work of by Min Kyung Lee and João dos Santos Martins and I discussed the choreography which archive was applied. This work was developed into choreography by collecting and newly contextualizing many reworked versions of Vaslave Nijinsky(1889-1950)’s through archive methodology. For this research, I applied Studio-Based Research in order to investigate in the field of work. I found elements that deal with the choreographic approach to archive in . First, the relationship of author and reenactor. A certain arts piece guaranteed authorship and this as the original guaranteed status in the past. However through a choreographer’s translation it seemed like a resistance against power and hierarchy given by history. Secondly, the relationship between mimesis and creation. Through many repetetion of the original piece, differences are made with it, and in the translated works exists ‘singularities’. Thirdly, the embodiment of history. A choreographical approach to archive is to actualize the past through bodies and dance. Choreography which is based on archive organizes remaining documentation by a mechanism of dance and performance and to share with the audience. Through this study, as I tried to explore the relationship of archive and choreography in a practical sense, I would suggest a perspective on the production of creations and discourses in contemporary dance using the archive.

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