The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Characteristics of Silla's Dancing Based on Life, Its Historical Utilization 삶에 기반한 신라의 춤 특징, 그 역사적 활용 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.50 pp.95-125
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2018.50.95

삶에 기반한 신라의 춤 특징, 그 역사적 활용

Characteristics of Silla's Dancing Based on Life, Its Historical Utilization


Cho, Kyung-a


This paper aims to find how to utilize the dance of Silla era by figuring out what are the characteristics of dance are based on Silla people’s life and how it had been used historically. The characteristics of dance based on Silla people’s life are classified as those of amateur and of expert. Amateurs danced in various fields of life. There was dancing entertainment during community labor which was led by women. A woman monk comported life’s worries which were not able to be avoided even by Buddhist priest by making humorous dances. Wonhyo announced the name of Buddha by Muaemu. Silla nobles maximized their pleasure in parties by dancing entertainment and made drinking parties fun by dancing penalty. A king of Silla danced and sang a song when life’s worries resolved. Hwarang displayed patriotism by a sword dance. There were three characteristics in expert’s dance. First, Silla set a high value on moderation and self-control by aiming for dance joyful but not dissipated and sad but not grievous. Second, people considered pleasure and enjoyment as a root of dance creation. Third, dance took a key role in performing arts of Silla. Silla dance was used in history of Goryeo and Joseon dynasty. Muaemu and Cheoyoungmu were consistently utilized in dance by amateurs and experts. Cheoyoungmu which was utilized by expert’s dance in Chosun dynasty was performed in events of royal family, ceremony, events in local government offices, and private rituals. Hwangchangnangmu was consistently utilized in Gyeongsang Provinces as considered as Silla dance. Currently Silla dance can be utilized in Gyeongju in varying purposes. It is expected to continue Silla people’s life dance in various ways even in the present times.

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