The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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A properties of the Aesthetic on Taekyun : Focusing on LMA 택견에서 나타난 움직임의 미학적 특성 : 라반 움직임 분석(LMA)을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.52 pp.135-157
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.52.135

택견에서 나타난 움직임의 미학적 특성 : 라반 움직임 분석(LMA)을 중심으로

A properties of the Aesthetic on Taekyun : Focusing on LMA


Seo, Ko Eun


In this study, I apply the LMA(Laban Movement Analysis) system to analyze the movement of Taekyun. In this context, I think that if I can analyze the movement of Taekyun which is representative of Korean martial arts by the LMA, It will be a new opportunity to shed light on traditional martial arts from an artistic point of view. I especially focuse on the dancing elements of Taekyun. It is thought that the action of the Taekyun movement ​​resembles curve, because it avoids the fatal blow on the opponents. Taekyun is embodied a unified gesture through the tempo of strength and weakness, with softness in its movement. I explore the physical aspects(Body), qualitative aspect(Effort), shape of movements aspect(Shape), and spatial aspect(Space) of LMA in order to illuminate the aesthetic elements of Taekyun. As a result of the analysis, the dancing elements of Taekyun are found as follows. First, in the body part, I find a common feature that is connected naturally by Breath Support and Core Support. Respiration strengthens the meaning of each action in the three movements(pumbalbgi, hwalgaesji, neunjileugi). Second, in terms of quality(Effort), I find the properties of Strong Weight and Quick Time. A common feature of the Effort is the rhythm state. It can explains the reason why Taekyun is similar to dancing movement. Third, the spatial aspect can be seen as a Directional Shape, but it can not be completed unless Shape Flow is emphasized. Fourth, in the aspect of the Shape, it can be seen that there is a Central Tension when you raise his leg to defend himself or when he turn his arm to defend from his opponent's attack. I hope that this study help the LMA to be applied to the various fields in order to the value of movements.

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