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A properties of the Aesthetic on Taekyun : Focusing on LMA 택견에서 나타난 움직임의 미학적 특성 : 라반 움직임 분석(LMA)을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.52 pp.135-157
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.52.135
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.52.135
택견에서 나타난 움직임의 미학적 특성 : 라반 움직임 분석(LMA)을 중심으로
A properties of the Aesthetic on Taekyun : Focusing on LMA
In this study, I apply the LMA(Laban Movement Analysis) system to analyze the movement of Taekyun. In this context, I think that if I can analyze the movement of Taekyun which is representative of Korean martial arts by the LMA, It will be a new opportunity to shed light on traditional martial arts from an artistic point of view. I especially focuse on the dancing elements of Taekyun. It is thought that the action of the Taekyun movement resembles curve, because it avoids the fatal blow on the opponents. Taekyun is embodied a unified gesture through the tempo of strength and weakness, with softness in its movement. I explore the physical aspects(Body), qualitative aspect(Effort), shape of movements aspect(Shape), and spatial aspect(Space) of LMA in order to illuminate the aesthetic elements of Taekyun. As a result of the analysis, the dancing elements of Taekyun are found as follows. First, in the body part, I find a common feature that is connected naturally by Breath Support and Core Support. Respiration strengthens the meaning of each action in the three movements(pumbalbgi, hwalgaesji, neunjileugi). Second, in terms of quality(Effort), I find the properties of Strong Weight and Quick Time. A common feature of the Effort is the rhythm state. It can explains the reason why Taekyun is similar to dancing movement. Third, the spatial aspect can be seen as a Directional Shape, but it can not be completed unless Shape Flow is emphasized. Fourth, in the aspect of the Shape, it can be seen that there is a Central Tension when you raise his leg to defend himself or when he turn his arm to defend from his opponent's attack. I hope that this study help the LMA to be applied to the various fields in order to the value of movements.
라반의 움직임 분석, 택견, 품밟기, 활갯짓, 는지르기, 전통무예,LMA(Laban Movement Analysis), Taekyun, Body, Effort, Shape, Space, Bess