The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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An Application of the Emotional Programme for Improvement of Performers’ Face Expression : Based on Facial Action Coding System(FACS) 퍼포머의 얼굴표현력 증진을 위한 감정화 프로그램 적용과 효과 : Facial Action Coding System(FACS)을 바탕으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.53 pp.157-180
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.53.157

퍼포머의 얼굴표현력 증진을 위한 감정화 프로그램 적용과 효과 : Facial Action Coding System(FACS)을 바탕으로

An Application of the Emotional Programme for Improvement of Performers’ Face Expression : Based on Facial Action Coding System(FACS)


An, Kyoung Hee


This study suggested the effect and implication of the emotionalisation programme as an education or a training tool for enhancing face expression of performers utilising FACS which is based on facial muscle anatomy and muscle behaviour. For this purpose, this study limited the body range of the training from head to neck, showing how this programme could be applied to performers. In order to verify the effectiveness of the programme, this study measured the pre-to-post test of the WLEIS scale on emotional intelligence. In addition, observational logs, self-report journals, and in-depth interview data were collected to examine the psychological and physical changes of the participants. The collected data were analysed quantitatively using statistical analysis package IBM SPSS Statistics 22 as well as qualitative analysis using NVivo 12 software. As a result of WLEIS, the average before and after the programme showed a statistically significant difference. According to the qualitative result, participants began to observe self and others, and was able to perceive two aspects of universal and personal emotion. By putting the emotional expression of the other persons on own faces of participants, the clearer standard of the facial muscle behaviour was acquired, their facial impression was changed positively, and the new emotional arousal was brought up. Therefore, it discovered the possibilities of this emotionalisation programme not only to extend to the general public who improve their face expression for emotional purpose but also to be a foundation of the face training.

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