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A Study of Movements of Chinese Traditional Dance Chunaengjeon Reconstructed by Liu Feng-shueh : Focusing on the C-shaped movements 유봉학(劉鳳學)이 복원한 당악무의 <춘앵전> 춤동작 연구 : C자형 동작을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.55 pp.139-160
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.55.139
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2019.55.139
유봉학(劉鳳學)이 복원한 당악무의 <춘앵전> 춤동작 연구 : C자형 동작을 중심으로
A Study of Movements of Chinese Traditional Dance Chunaengjeon Reconstructed by Liu Feng-shueh : Focusing on the C-shaped movements
This thesis examined the inherent meanings of the C-shaped movements in Chunaengjeon the Tang court dance reconstructed by Liu Feng-shueh. In this paper, we examined the cultural and aesthetic features that are contained in the breathing, basic movements, and morphological C-shaped movements portrayed by Li Chao as a feature of Chunaengjeon. First, C-shaped movements in Confucian thought appeared in two different forms: "C" in "Etiquette" and "C" in respiration. For the former, the C-shaped movements of "Etiquette" used the movements of Chunaengjeon in Japan and the form of "Etiquette" in Korea Ilmu for reference, in oder to be based Confucianism. As a result, the C-shaped movements of "Etiquette" showed characteristics of dignity and humbleness embedded in national culture of Tang Dynasty. For the latter, breathing of the C-shaped movement was inherently calm and harmonious by using the Taichichuan breathing method, which was derived from Confucianism and Taoism, that gathered the breaths from the pubic region and then pushed it down constantly. Second, the aesthetic of the C-shaped movements introduced various movement trajectories such as circular or straight lines in the static C-shaped movements in order to reveal the elegance and neat figure of the Tang court dance. The elements of imagination and beauty about the Tang Dynasty court dance were added into by Liu Feng-shueh so that ultimately aesthetic C-shaped movements were made with aesthetic sense. In addition, Liu Feng-shueh made aesthetic C-shaped movements from the Tang dynasty's court dress by learning from the characteristics of the dual structure of Japanese Chunaengjeon. This result suggested intrinsic meaning of the C-shaped movements in Liu Feng-shueh. Last but not the least, we were looking forward that Chunaengjeon could make a contribution to help reconstruction research the traditional dance of China, Korea and Japan.
유봉학(劉鳳學), <춘앵전(春鶯囀)>, C자형 동작, 복원연구, 유교 사상,Liu Feng-shueh (劉鳳學), Chunaengjeon (春鶯囀), C-shaped movements, Reconstruction Research, Confucianis