The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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The Effects of Empathy Ability on Dance Emotion and Dance Expression of Modern Dance Major 현대무용전공 대학생의 감정이입능력이 무용정서 및 무용표현력에 미치는 영향 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.56 pp.97-116
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2020.56.97

현대무용전공 대학생의 감정이입능력이 무용정서 및 무용표현력에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Empathy Ability on Dance Emotion and Dance Expression of Modern Dance Major


Park, Geuntae


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of empathy ability on dance emotion and dance expression of college students. The subjects of this study were 169 college students who majored in modern dance at each four universities in Seoul, Busan, Gyeonggi, and Jeolla provinces. The survey tool used a empathy ability, dance emotion and dance expression questionnaire, and collected data were analyzed by frequency analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 21.0 program. As a result, first, students of modern dance majors had high physical expression ability in boys and 9~11 years in dance participation period, and high cognitive ability in 4th graders. Second, the empathy ability of college students of modern dance major had a significant influence on fun, vitality, pride and achievement. Third, empathy ability of college students of modern dance major had a significant influence on dance expression ability. Fourth, the fun and vitality of dance emotions of college students had a significant influence on the performance of dance expression. The results of this study are expected to provide basic data for teaching dance expression in the curriculum of modern dance majors.

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