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A Study on Aesthetic Principles of Spatiotemporal Resonance in Korean Medieval Dance : Focusing on Choi Han-gi's ‘Ki’ Theory 중세시기 한국춤 시공간의 감응과 미학적 원리 : 최한기의 감응기론을 중심으로 ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.57 pp.57-87
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2020.57.57
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2020.57.57
중세시기 한국춤 시공간의 감응과 미학적 원리 : 최한기의 감응기론을 중심으로
A Study on Aesthetic Principles of Spatiotemporal Resonance in Korean Medieval Dance : Focusing on Choi Han-gi's ‘Ki’ Theory
This study aims to examine the aesthetic resonance principle of Korean dance by analyzing how the place of Korean dance in the Middle Ages was influenced by the effect of dance through the ‘ki (氣, energy)’ theory by philosopher Choi Han-gi (1803~1879). As a research method, records related to dance were selected from historical literature, and Choi Han-gi's books were used as main texts, and related discourses were referenced. The original texts of the old documents used online databases with major old documents such as the National History Compilation Committee database, and keywords were limited to ‘mu (巫, shaman)’, ‘mu (舞, dance)’, and ‘chum (춤, dance)’. The results of the study are as follows. First, Korean dance was organically adapted to the spacetime of traditional society. Second, it was confirmed that the space of life was entangled as a place of dance in the traditional society. Third, it was possible to aesthetically explain that the principle of resonance in a special space called “sai (사이, between)” among dance places in traditional society was in ‘communication’. The main keywords of this study ―placeness, resonance, singi (神氣, primal energy), communication― are concepts that share the meanings of resonance as the nature of dance. The keywords are expected to contribute a academic and practical direction for today's dance theory.
한국춤미학, 최한기, 장소성, 감응, 신기, 소통,Aesthetics Korean traditional dance, Choi Han-gi, Placeness, Resonance, Singi (神氣, primal energy), Communication