The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


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Somatic Implication of Somatic Experiencing® for Trauma Healing 트라우마 치유를 위한 소매틱 익스피리언싱 (Somatic Experiencing®)의 신체적 함의 - 다미주 신경이론 중심으로 - ×
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ISSN : 2383-5214(Print)
ISSN : 2733-4279(Online)
Asian Dance Journal Vol.59 pp.97-119
DOI : 10.26861/sddh.2020.59.97

트라우마 치유를 위한 소매틱 익스피리언싱 (Somatic Experiencing®)의 신체적 함의 - 다미주 신경이론 중심으로 -

Somatic Implication of Somatic Experiencing® for Trauma Healing


Lee, KyungHee


This study aims to understand Somatic Experiencing® which is a trauma healing technique through the senses of the body, and how humans are neurophysiologically connected to the autonomic nervous system in the process of recognizing the senses and react to survival. I examine whether it has an emotional release and how the trauma can be healed through the senses of the body. To this end, I investigate the survival and defensive behavior of wild animals, which is the core concept of Peter Levin's trauma healing, and discuss in terms of neurophysiology. As a result, I identify the physical implications of somatic experience based on neurophysiology. First, trauma is something that can be experienced willingly and is a natural and normal part of life. Second, for trauma healing, the intervention of the brain's neocortex is important. Through neocortical intervention, it is possible to focus on the body sensations and integrate the three-layered brain structure. Third, activation of the vagus nerve, which is closely related to our emotional response and social relationship, plays an important role in bringing about stabilization.

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