The Journal of Society for Dance Documentation & History

pISSN: 2383-5214 /eISSN: 2733-4279


Journal Title: Asian Dance Journal
Frequency : Quarterly
Year of Launching : 2014
Doi Prefix : 10.26861
pISSN : 2383-5214 / eISSN : 2733-4279
Publisher : The Society for Dance Documentation and History

Volume.75 December 2024

The Impact of Social Network Service-based Communication of Korean Traditional Dancers on Organizational Commitment of Dance Companies

한국 전통 무용수의 소셜 네트워크 서비스 기반 커뮤니케이션이 무용단의 조직 몰입에 미치는 영향


Byun Jae-Bum, Cho Namgyu 변재범, 조남규

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.3-21

The Impact of Social Network Service-based Communication of Korean Traditional Dancers on Organizational Commitment of Dance Companies ×

The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of SNS-based communication on organizational commitment among Korean dancers. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS Ver. 29.0, employing frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis to derive the research findings. SNS communication significantly influenced all three types of organizational commitment: continuance commitment, normative commitment, and affective commitment. Specifically, clear responses and empathy had the most substantial impact on continuance commitment, while information sharing and empathy were most influential for normative commitment. Affective commitment was primarily affected by clear responses. The study also revealed that excessive use of SNS could have a negative impact by fostering comparison and competition, which could hinder organizational commitment. Therefore, dance organizations should develop strategies to enhance positive communication through SNS while minimizing its negative effects.

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A Study on Expressive Characteristics of Kim Baik-bong Sanjo Dance Chung myung shim su

김백봉 산조춤 「청명심수」의 표현적 특성 연구 ‘진리’, ‘호숫가에 비친 내 모습’을 중심으로


Kim Boram 김보람

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.25-47

A Study on Expressive Characteristics of Kim Baik-bong Sanjo Dance Chung myung shim su ×

The purpose of this study is to identify expressive characteristics by examining the choreographic intention and movement meaning of the scarf-dance part in the Kim Baik-bong Sanjo Dance “Cheongmyeong Shimsu”. The study utilizes literature research and participatory observation methods, including in-depth interviews and embodiment. The analysis criteria on the relationship between the dancer and the scarf were based on movement emphasizing technical aspects and movements focusing on emotional exchange. The expressive characteristics of movements can be organized into 12 categories such as “mother's love,” “life's solid experience,” “life's reincarnation,” and “deep and full sadness.” In “Cheongmyeong Shimsu”, the scarf is not just a prop but contains the choreographer's philosophy and ideals. It also conveys emotions effectively, which helps the theme of dance be delivered clearly. “Cheongmyeong Shimsu” is the work that represents Kim Baik-bong's dance language that is self-reflective; it is also healing.

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The Effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Professional Ballet Dancers

발레전공 직업 무용수의 직무자율성이 직무만족, 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 워라밸(일과 삶의 균형) 인식의 조절효과


Park Jinseo 박진서

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.49-66

The Effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Professional Ballet Dancers ×

This study aims to examine the moderating effect of work-life balance perception on the relationship between job autonomy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among professional ballet dancers. To achieve this goal, a survey (April - June 2024) was conducted among 151 professional ballet dancers (employed, freelance, temporary, and part-time) residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The results (PLS SEM) reveal that job autonomy has a statistically significant positive impact on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and that job satisfaction, in turn, positively affects organizational commitment. However, while work-life balance perception has a statistically positive effect on job satisfaction, it negatively moderates the relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction. These findings suggest that although professional ballet dancers place high value on autonomy within their organizations, their demand for work-life balance may, paradoxically, detract from job satisfaction when both autonomy and work-life balance are highly prioritized.

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A Study on the Community Life and Aesthetic Consciousness Embedded in Su-yeong Ji-shin Bal-gi

수영지신밟기에 내재 된 한국인의 공동체 삶과 미의식에 관한 연구


An Gwilyun, Kim Sungmi, Lee Gyunghwa 안귀연, 김성미, 이경화

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.67-85

A Study on the Community Life and Aesthetic Consciousness Embedded in Su-yeong Ji-shin Bal-gi ×

The purpose of this study is to explore the communal life and aesthetic consciousness inherent in Su-yeongJi-shin Bal-gi and re-evaluate its value as a form of folk culture. The main discussion of this paper focused on folk culture and folk dance as a communal cultural element through the analysis of literature and academic materials related to Su-yeong Ji-shin Bal-gi. In addition, photographs taken at the 49th Suyeong Traditional Folk Arts Festival were used as research data to describe and analyze the dance movements. As a result of the study, the aesthetic consciousness of the East, which prioritizes naturalness, and that of the West, which emphasizes orderliness, are both embedded in the ritual. Additionally, the ritual embraces the dance principle of Jeongjungdong represented in Korean traditional dance, the communal dance seen in Madang, and the subject-object unity between performers and spectators.

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Study on the Current Status of Dance Education in the Jeonbuk Region and the Localization of Career Paths/occupations for Dance Majors+

전북지역 무용교육 현황과 무용전공생 진로/직업 지역 토착화 방안 연구+


Oh Jeongeun 오정은

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.87-106

Study on the Current Status of Dance Education in the Jeonbuk Region and the Localization of Career Paths/occupations for Dance Majors+ ×

The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of dance education in the Jeonbuk region and ways to localize the career paths and jobs of dance majors. To this end, the current status of professional dance education in the Jeonbuk region was examined through the analysis of published scholarly articles and online information platforms, and the problems of the decrease in professional dance education institutions and the lack of awareness of related occupations were identified. The study further assembled information on career and job paths based on the researcher's career/job consulting experience and sought ways in which dance majors from Jeonbuk or dance majors at professional education institutions in the Jeonbuk region could settle in the region and develop stable career activities. The study offers useful information to dance majors and dance educators who train dance majors in the Jeonbuk region for effective career/employment counseling and education. It also aims to establish a foundation for linking the curriculum of dance departments with career/employment.

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The Performance and Expectation Role of Dance Organzations in Busan+

부산지역 무용 단체의 성과와 기대 역할+


Lee Gyunghwa, Choo Nayoung 이경화, 추나영

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.107-133

The Performance and Expectation Role of Dance Organzations in Busan+ ×

This study was to examine the achievements of major organizations that influenced the development of the dance world in Busan and to present their opinions on the direction of efforts to develop in the future. In this study, data were collected and analyzed through the literature review and the results were as follows. First, Busan Branch of The Korea Dance Assoiation played a central role in the Busan dance world. Second, Busan Folklore Conservation Association has worked hard to preserve and foster Busan's folk dance. Third, Busan Metropolitan Dance Company contributed to popularization by creating and performing various works representing Busan. Fourth, the dance department of a university located in Busan has been the main focus on cultivating talent through dance education. Fifth, Busan International Dance Festival Orgnizing Committee diversified and publicized dance performances, and also achieved dancers' overseas expansion.

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A Harmony of Dance and Festival : Study on the Changing Aspects and Values of Cheonan World Dance Festival+

춤과 축제의 어울림 ‘천안흥타령춤축제’의 변화 양상과 가치+


Lee Jonghee 이종희

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.135-155

A Harmony of Dance and Festival : Study on the Changing Aspects and Values of Cheonan World Dance Festival+ ×

This study aims to analyze the changing aspects of the Cheonan World Dance Festival and explore its future value. The research is conducted by the analysis of records of the dance festival through media such as the Internet and press promotional materials, while focusing on qualitative research based on literature, examining the historical development process of the festival and its current value as a dance festival, and suggesting future direction and strategies for the festival. The Cheonan World Dance Festival started as a general local festival called the ‘Cheonan Semgeori Heungtaeryeong Cultural Festival’ in 1987 and has been renamed as the ‘Cheonan Semgeori Cultural Festival’ in 1990, the ‘Cheonan Heung-taeryeong Festival’ in 2008, and the ‘Cheonan World Dance Festival’ in 2011. It is a representative local dance festival in Korea that has secured the image and identity of Cheonan through content development and title design. ‘Cheonan World Dance Festival’ have been recognized for their values through the preservation and succession of traditional culture, strengthening of regional identity, acceptance of cultural diversity, and their role as a tourism resource for long time. In order to embrace the changing times and be reborn as a world-class festival, however, the Cheonan World Dance Festival should consider modern changes, innovations, and digital transformations while strengthening publicity, expanding participatory programs, developing sustainable operation models, and increasing international exchanges.

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A Study on Hofesh Shechter's Choreographic Style Based on Brecht's Alienation Theory

브레히트의 소외이론을 중심으로 분석한 호페쉬 쉑터의 안무스타일 연구 「Double Murder」(이중 살인) 작품을 중심으로


Zhang Xuanhao, Chung EunJu 장훤호, 정은주

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.157-172

A Study on Hofesh Shechter's Choreographic Style Based on Brecht's Alienation Theory ×

This study examines the life and artistic work of Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter, focusing on the choreographic style evident in his 2021 premiere, Double Murder. Based on the author’s in-person viewing of the performance at the Shanghai International Dance Center on June 14, 2024, this research integrates a comprehensive review of domestic and international studies, media reports, critiques, and online resources on the choreographer’s work. Employing Brecht's theory of alienation as a conceptual framework, the study analyzes the choreographic structures, movement patterns, and musical elements of Double Murder. The findings reveal that Shechter’s style is deeply influenced by Israeli traditional dance, Hora, and his military experience, emphasizing collective consciousness and power dynamics. Through the alienation effect, Shechter encourages the audience to maintain a critical distance, fostering reflection on oppressive structures and individual compliance. Furthermore, the integration of electronic music, mechanical movements, and dramatic lighting creates audiovisual dissonance, compelling viewers to confront solitude and vulnerability within tension and conflict. This distinct style disrupts emotional immersion, urging audiences to engage critically with the cyclicality of violence and emotional desensitization. Such a recognizable approach ultimately highlights Shechter’s originality and the profound depth of his choreographic vision.

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The Dancing Death Unceasingly : Seo, Jang-Weon, 2022. Totentanz and Vado mori. Paju: Acanet.

죽음은 쉬지 않고 춤춘다 : 서장원, 『토텐탄츠와 바도모리: 중세 말 죽음의 춤 원형을 찾아서』(아카넷, 2022)

Han Hyea-Joo 한혜주

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.175-183

The Dancing Death Unceasingly : Seo, Jang-Weon, 2022. Totentanz and Vado mori. Paju: Acanet. ×

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The Dancing Death Unceasingly : Seo, Jang-Weon, 2022. Totentanz and Vado mori. Paju: Acanet. ×
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A Unique and Groundbreaking Works on Silk Road Dance Cultures Women's Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan: Legacy of the Silk Road By Laurel Victoria Gray Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024. 272pages.

Lee Hee Soo  

Asian Dance Journal
Vol.75 pp.185-187

A Unique and Groundbreaking Works on Silk Road Dance Cultures Women's Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan: Legacy of the Silk Road By Laurel Victoria Gray Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024. 272pages. ×

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A Unique and Groundbreaking Works on Silk Road Dance Cultures Women's Dance Traditions of Uzbekistan: Legacy of the Silk Road By Laurel Victoria Gray Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024. 272pages. ×
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